Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Prep started on Monday and ended at 4:30pm Thanksgiving day. All my pre-planning granted me a late start. Adam, Peanut and I watched the parade.

 Took Peanut for a walk around the neighborhood, before coming home and starting the day.
Adam's family arrived around 2pm and we had appetizers all layed out. This picture was taken a little late :)

We broke out the wii and played a few games.
Here's Adam's Mom playing on the wii fit.
Then the main affair started. We made sure to get pictures before we dug in this time :)
Sweet potato casserole, maple cider brine turkey, Boursin potato au gratin, pork pie, garlic brocolli, onion bacon kale, herbed chestnut, apple, cranberry stuffing, & Cornbread. *Cranberry Jelly not pictured.

Dinner was delicious, even if I do say so myself. I took the largest plate of food I think I have since getting my thyroid treated. What a glutton!! After dinner, I took to the kitchen and knocked out dishes. Adam packaged up leftovers and I made sure my In-laws had Stuffing and Turkey to make post-Thanksgiving Sandwiches, and a little Sweet potato Casserole (which I think was the best dish!)
Afterwards we all beached ourselves around the TV, watched a Miracle on 34th Street before diving back into dessert.
Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie and Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Cheese cake, Vanilla & Dulce de Leche ice creams

Everything was great and everyone was happy with the meal. I had so much fun planning and cooking for the family and too hear and see everyone was so pleased, made it all that much more special. Hope everyone else had an amazing Thanksgiving too!


  1. Wow, Miracle at your house! Lovely Thanksgiving full of family. Haven't had our Turkey yet - very untraditional this year.
    Now start the countdown to Christmas, gotta make the most of it - it's a long time from January to May! -Ruralwannabe.

  2. This looks like so much fun! Seeing you and Adam and Nutters so happy made me smile:)
